A Declaration

This is quite simply a declaration of trust and friendship. If you like the idea then feel free to take a copy of it to your own Blog. You may even decide to create a positive declaration of your own. There is enough cyber abuse out there without us harassing each other.

We can't please all the people all the time but with a little thought and consideration we can please most of the people most of the time.

I am an expert in nothing but my own life.

I participate in Blogs and Forums for entertainment purposes only.

I post anything I find interesting in the hope that others may find it interesting too.

I humbly suggest you take what you want from my posts and simply disregard the rest - Believe only that which rings true to the deepest part of your soul and simply ignore the rest.

I am a pessimist who is working very hard at being more positive, and you can help me by treating my Blog with respect even if you don't agree with what has been posted.

I never report or complain to Staff, I do my own policing. Others will have their own way of dealing with cyber abusers - I choose to ignore.

And believe me, it's their loss because I am a fountain of wisdom and knowledge!

Thank you for allowing me to leave comments in your Blog and thank you for commenting in mine. I honour your take on things and I hope you will honour mine.


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